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About Mounia

To listen is to love

" If everything around you seems dark, maybe you are the light "

I am all about humain relations, exchanges and sharing with people of all ages. 

I love to spend time in nature, especially exploring the beautiful sceneries while climbing up a hill. That AHA moment when you get to the top of the mountain, that priceless feeling of achievement and freedom! 

I am the mother of two beautiful teenagers, through them I have learned to see, listen, feel and live in ways I had never done before. 

They are my inspiration, my pillars and my greatest mentors!

Like most transformations, mine came with it’s shares of ups and downs. However, it was tremendously liberating to acknowledge that every step I took or decision I made brought me closer to a more EMANCIPATED version of myself.

Mounia : North African female first name. Signification is to Desire, Wish, Dream and Hope. 

To say that my parents already knew of my destiny as a facilitator of change.

"Adults are only kids grown up"
walt disney